

I host a teamspeak server. If you want to use it send me an email (rickvdwerf2015@gmail.com).
Before you join make sure you've red the rules because if you don't follow them you'll have a change of being banned/kicked.
Also if you do join my server and find any problem please report them using the complaint tool.


Host: the host hosts the server and has permissions to everything in the server.
Admin: the admin can do almost everything but not make changes to permissions or the server.


I host my teamspeak server on my windows server machine at my granddads house. I really like working with my server. I use it daily to talk with my friends using teamspeak (hosted on the server) while we play games together.


Me and my friend also host a plug.dj channel where I am using my server computer to host a plug.dj basic bot aswell. The bot always makes sure there are no people spamming, playing insanly long songs or simple being a annoyment all the time.


I am hosting a blog on my website aswell where I almost daily post. You can access it by clicking the blog link or going to the top left menu in my website and then searching for blog.