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Good morning,
I've been working on my driver license during the vacation, I'm having alot of fun doing so. I have already done about 10 lessons and I am progressing pretty well. I have also practised in my dads car, which is really cool but a little bit more difficult then the driving lessons car since it is alot bigger.
The new part of the year will start today with some new lessons which I havn't had before, so I am wondering what those lessons will be about. I'm pretty curious about this period. My monday, tuesday and wednessday are pretty chill though. I can sleep really long on monday. On tuesday and wednesday I'm done with school early. So that is all pretty nice.
The other days of the week wil be a little less chill though. Since all those hours will be stacked on those days. So I have to be there until about 6 o'clock.
We will see whats about to come

Date: 8-5-2017:07:25


I've finished three more cisco chapter exams, which I did really well. For chapter 8 I've got 64.7%, for chapter 9 61.7% and for chapter 11 I've got 77.1%. Even though 8 and 9 arn't too high, I am really happy about the results because I'm not the best at cisco.
I also went outside with 6 friends and my brother and we went out with 3 boats. We went to a place about 30 minutes away from my house. After finding a good location we all sat down there and made a fire. After sitting down for a bit we started making food.
At arround ten o'clock we went back to my house and brought everyone to the bus station.

Date: 17-3-2017:09:58


Havn't had the change to update my blog for a while, It has been about a week since the last update. Anyways I had a really good weekend. I went outside with my boat for about the entire sunday, which was great. Especially the weather was amazing not to hot and not to cold. Just perfect. I also woke up at 5:30 AM on monday and then my granddad brought me to Purmerend. I went to basic-fit at about 7 AM, then went back home, took a shower and then went to school. Well the day went great aswell, just the entire weekend+monday where super awesome!

Date: 14-3-2017:10:52


Yesterday I worked on databases again, I almost finished chapter 2 and I got all of the needed software running to create/maintain a database. I also learned a little bit more of of the computer language used in the databases.
It's already almost weekend again, time goes so quick. It feels like vacation was yesterday.
I also did 2 IT-Essentials tests and 2 Cisco tests which I didn't do to well, sadly. The cisco chapter nine went pretty comforably though, so that's nice. But the other three tests wern't that good. At last I had some spicy chicken today with bread fresh from the oven so I'm happy.

Date: 3-3-2017:12:57


The 1 week of vacation passed by way to quick. Now after doing alot of nothing I shall finally go back to school. (I could use a second week but that is not how it works)
Now me and Lars will start working on project Maloz, which I by the way finally managed to set up in my NAS properly. At first the sync option wasn't working correctly but I fixed that so it should be fine now.
I didn't have any sleep today to try to fix my completely broken sleeping schedule. (it works for me, I don't sleep one day then the next day I go to bed early and wake up early.)

Date: 27-2-2017:10:47


We started working with linux-server today, where we installed linux OpenSUSE in virtualbox. OpenSUSE is in my opinion a really good looking and nicely working linux distrubution. I only used linux mint before so i have to adjust a little bit. I do honestly really like the fact that it doesn't force me to do updates. The reason I like that is because Windows does force updates (when theres an important update) even in the middle of your work. Which is insanly annoying. Anyhow, linux server is fun so far.

Date: 17-2-2017:11:52


Started working on Databases. I finished chapter one yesterday and I'm working on chapter 2 right now, it seems quite interesting to be honest. Even though chapter 2 is a really long chapter compared to chapter 1. It's still really interesting and I like working on it.

Date: 14-2-2017:10:46


I Finished the blog now all the functions are correctly working, You can now send me emails about this topic. I also uploaded the website using github. (which you are probably looking at right now).

Date: 13-2-2017:12:35


I have no clue at all what to post on my blog, but at least it exists now ;)

Date: 13-2-2017:12:14

Comment from: Rickvdwerf

Comment on post

Date: 13-2-2017:12:16